Leaders Should Be "Rays of Hope" Piercing the Darkness
A dark cloud of doom and gloom hangs over those of us in the United States and in other countries where we have subscribers. Much of the worldwide gloom is of an economic nature. For those of us in the US, we are faced with not only a struggling economy but also a war in the Middle East, high gas prices, an upcoming election and a miriad of other issues including recent natural disasters.
There's no doubt that several of these issues have touched each of us personally. Most of us have felt it at the pump; perhaps you or a family member are serving in the US military; many of us have seen the political campaign commericals and see partisan supporter's signs in yards and on buildings during our commute. It's all swirling around us.
In fact, most popular media are promoting doom and gloom. We read it in the morning papers, see it on the television, hear it on the radio, read and view it on the internet and a lot of folks are passing negative emails. It's difficult to escape it all. Gotcha feeling down?
While I believe all citizens should be informed, many folks are living in a vacuum and just sucking this negativity up. Those of us active in fraternal organizations are fortunate however. Fraternal organizations, clubs and associations offer us a healthy retreat from all this doom and gloom. Our organizations meet regularly and offer opportunities for fellowship that locks out the secular world if only for a while. You can literally "get away from it all" by attending a meeting, social function or working a charitable event.
Speaking of charity, most fraternal organizations perform some type of charitable work. The needs continue in our communities no matter what is going on in the world and we are there to help others. Our fellow human beings still need our compassion, friendship and financial assisitance.
So, assuming you are serving in some leadership capacity, be a "Ray of Hope" for your organization. Make your meetings fun, enjoyable and productive. Let your members bask in the good works they do and talk about it. In these difficult times, fraternal organizations can thrive and be a welcomed respite for our members.
Finally, I encourage you to tune some of the media out and focus on your communities, organizations, schools and places of worship. Lend your skills to build these institutions up while many are busy tearing them down.